My comparison between GNUcash and Skrooge (if anyone is interested)
Geert Janssens
janssens-geert at
Thu Sep 27 10:12:11 EDT 2012
Thank you for your video. I watched it because I'm always curious to
learn how others perceive GnuCash. In my view, it raises some valid
points and at other times it contains some misinterpretations.
1. As others have noted already, most reports where it makes sense will
have a date filter. If you find any that doesn't, you're invited to
report this. Preferably via our bugtracker (bugzilla) [1].
2. Your following comment, related to reports:
> ME: my version does not show the gear icon.
The icon on the toolbar is theme dependent, but just hovering the mouse
over the icons would have revealed one button to be called "Edit report
options". You don't open a report in your video either. That would have
given me the opportunity to tell you what the icon looks like with the
theme you have chosen. In any case: when a report is open, you can edit
the report options using "Edit->Report Options".
> 3..GNUcash to make a custom report is much more complex than Skrooge
> has a wizard-like reporting. A report can be generated from a search
as well
> in Skrooge.
I don't know how Skrooge custom report creation works. Yet I also agree
that this is an area that can be improved in GnuCash. Help is welcome.
4. In the video you generally claim multiple times that the GnuCash
transaction entry interface is "messy" and the Skrooge one is much better.
In my opinion, you are trying to compare two fundamentally different
input systems here. And on top of that, the two applications are using a
fundamentally different basic concept, which heavily influences how data
input should be done: GnuCash does double-entry bookkeeping as you
mention already in your video. Skrooge does not. GnuCash has chosen for
an in-place editing mechanism for rapid data entry. Skrooge uses a model
where you have an overview of entries and an edit panel below. I
personally prefer the GnuCash method. I quickly tested Skrooge, and at
first sight, Skrooge's method of input would require way too much
switching between keyboard and mouse to be efficient for me. I'm saying
this mostly to show that "better" can also mean "preferred" and be a
very personal interpretation.
5. You also point out that you can't double-click to expand a split
transaction. Something that would be easier in Skrooge.
In the video you are double clicking in the description field of the
transaction. That is an editable field, accepting user input (like
typing text, selecting text and so on). Based on the concept of in-place
editing, double clicking on such a text field should select the text.
That is expected behaviour for any editable text field. Changing that
behaviour so that a double click would expand the splits would certainly
cause a lot of other reactions ("double click doesn't work anymore !").
Did you consider this ?
On the other hand, I am open for improvements, so your comment did make
me consider if we can do better. I think we can. A possible improvement
I see here is changing the behaviour of double-clicking (or even
single-clicking in the transfer column if the transaction is multi-split
(by which I mean having more than 2 splits). In such situation, the
splits could be shown automatically. If you like this, I propose you
make a new feature request in either bugzilla or on the GnuCash'
uservoice page [2] so the idea doesn't get lost.
6. There was a moment in the video where you had trouble correcting a
transaction you entered wrongly. You had entered 50 in the deposit
column instead of the withdrawal column. The first issue you raise here
is that while the splits are expanded, you can't change the transaction
amount anymore, but instead you first have to collapse the split list again.
In my opinion, this is mostly a matter of misunderstanding the input
dynamics of GnuCash, again linked to the double-entry concept that is
the basis for all. First off, there is no such thing as a "transaction
total" in GnuCash. This is a concept that you find in qif files and
likely in Skrooge as well in one form or the other. In GNuCash, each
transaction's total equals 0, or they wouldn't be balanced according to
the double-entry principle. So what you see in the deposit or withdrawal
column is not a "transaction total", but the part of the transaction
that is relevant for the account at hand (TSB-00 in your example). For
simple transactions (with only two splits), this equation is simple.
What flows out of one account, flows into the other account. For
multi-split transactions, this becomes less obvious and impossible to
display on one line. Hence an extended view of the whole transaction is
offered in the split transaction view. Once the split list is expanded,
all transaction details other than date and description are in the split
list. At this point you can directly edit each split that is part of the
transaction, including the one in the account at hand, TSB-00 in your
example (third split). There is no need to close the split list first.
Perhaps this can be improved, by allowing to change this value both on
the split level and on the transaction line itself in split view. I
don't know if that would be an improvement or confuse things more and
how hard it would be to implement such a feature. I have no strong
opinion here.
7. Next complaint you make when you enter 50 in the withdrawal column to
correct your mistake. You seem to have to do it twice.
I'm not sure you understand what happened there and why. At first sight
you seem to be misunderstanding the power of GnuCash' data entry model.
There is a column for deposits and one for withdrawals. This double
column notation could also have been done with only one column in which
you enter positive or negative numbers, which is closer to what Skrooge
does. This is a design decision that was made way before I got involved
in GnuCash. The reason why is not relevant here.
But having two columns enables the user to enter a value in both
columns. If you enter a transaction with say 50 deposit and 30
withdrawal, what would you think should GnuCash do with that ? The
choice was made to let GnuCash simplify such a transaction to net 20
deposit. This fits well in the philosophy that each amount field in
GnuCash can do and does calculations. So if you enter a value in both
columns, GnuCash will calculate the difference and retain that as net value.
I deliberately chose two differing amounts in the example. In your
video, you entered 50 deposit (first time) and then 50 withdrawal in an
attempt to correct the transaction, but you left the 50 deposit in
place. So you told GnuCash the transaction split for TSB-00 is now 50
deposit and 50 withdrawal, which it diligently recalculates to 0 (no
value in either column). At that point you enter 50 again in withdrawal
which is then the end result, because no further calculations have to be
8. The main point you wanted to make though was that GnuCash doesn't
save percentages or more generally formulas, when reusing a previous
split transaction.
This is true and could be considered a missing feature in GnuCash. I'm
not sure if this is something that can easily be implemented. I would
fear not, because at first sight it would require changes straight down
into the file format and all the core accounting logic.
9. GnuCash can only export accounts to xml.
Not quite, but close. You can also export reports to html (when the
report is open, there will be a menu item somewhere and a button on the
Other than that, there are not many export options indeed. I guess
nobody volunteered to implement additional exporters. Help is welcome.
10. Similarly, the import options are limited, though there are more
options than for export already.
The same goes here. Notable absent are importers for Skrooge, KMymoney
and other open source finance and accounting programs. Again, nobody
sent in patches to implement this. Help is welcome.
11. You mention (but don't demonstrate) that csv import was not working
well. It's hard to comment on that without additional detail. But here's
a sneak preview: the csv importer has been rewritten in development, so
hopefully this will be a thing of the past once the next major release
is out. (I don't know when that will be, no).
12. Early in the video you make a statement in the line of "Both are
open-source programs, which means you don't have to pay for them". I'm
afraid you are doing the whole open source community a disservice by
phrasing it like that. Both statements are correct independently.
GnuCash is open source (or technically free software, but I deliberately
skip over the difference here). And GnuCash is available free of charge.
But one is not the consequence of the other, by no means. The true value
is that the *source* is freely available, allowing anyone to modify it
at will, review it, send in patches,... That the binary application
itself can be used without having to pay for it is an added bonus, but
not necessarily always like that. It would have been more correct if you
formulated it that way. That would help other new users to make this
distinction correctly early on.
13. Some comments on these statements from your mail:
> 3..GNUcash does not accept standards keys. For example when you have
a tab
> open the usual way to close it would be Ctrl-F4, but you must use the
> button! This inconsistency is consistent through GNUcash and IMHO a bad
> decision from the programmers as its very easy to implement a user
> interface, which would make a real difference to user experience.
On what system is Ctrl-F4 "the usual way to close a tab" ? Never mind, I
looked it up [3]. It seems more like a browser convention than a
universally standard key. And even as a browser "standard" it does not
work on Linux/KDE by the way. Ctrl-F4 switches virtual screens in
Linux/KDE and it has been like that as long as I can remember. According
to the same wiki page, a more general default key combination is Ctrl-W.
Have you tried that ?
What other non-standard keys does GnuCash not accept ? Perhaps some of
them can be improved.
> Derek. The point of the video is to demonstrate what most new users would
> expect from an accounting program <u>mainly with the user interface</u>.
> Unfortunately sometimes programmers ideas can be fixated on how
> consider the user should work, not on how the user would find it
I dislike the "user knows best" mantra as much as "developer knows
best". GnuCash is a community project in which both users and developers
can formulate ideas and suggestions, which can then be openly discussed.
Both are valuable.
And can I kindly ask you to be careful with using generalizations such
as "most new users" when you are expressing your personal opinion ? I do
value your opinion especially as a new user, but stick to calling it as
such. Let other users chime in if they support it.
> This is an area of GNUcash and I have commented on several times
lately and
> in the past, and as an ex programmer myself I know just how easy it is to
> change the user interface.
The last part of your statement can be considered very arrogant (unless
you meant it jokingly, which I couldn't determine from the sentence
alone). I had to rewrite my answer several times in an attempt to answer
as neutrally as possible.
I'm glad you know how easy it is to change the user interface. If you
are serious about that then I equally seriously invite you to write some
patches for the easy fixes. You will be doing all users a favor.
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