Cash Sale Linked to customers ?

David J. Bakeman dbakeman at
Fri Aug 9 13:15:16 EDT 2013

   On 08/09/2013 09:46 AM, Jonas Lippuner wrote:

     I am keeping the books of my church and we also need to keep track
     who donates how much. I have set up all our donors as customers and
     every time we get a donation I create a new invoice that records the
     donation. I agree that this is quite tedious, but if you want to
     associate a customer in Gnucash with a transaction (donation
     you must create an invoice (as far as I know).
     To facilitate recording donations (we get several every week), I
     created a little program with a GUI that allows me to quickly enter
     donations. The program then uses the Gnucash Python bindings to
     automatically create an invoice for the donation and also a payment
     transaction. This has been working very well for me and I would be
     happy to share that program with you (but be warned that it must be
     considered an experimental piece of software). It currently only
     under Linux, but this is only because I haven't taken the time yet
     make the Python bindings work under Windows. The program itself
     work under Windows without too many changes (and I am intending to
     make it work for Windows at some point anyway).
     If donations are associated with customers in Gnucash, it should be
     fairly straight forward to create a report that will spit out gift
     statements for the year. This is something I have not done yet, but
     once the end of the year approaches, I will be looking into that.
     Please contact me directly (i.e. not through the list), if you're
     interested in trying out my program to record donations.

   I don't run a charity but I'd be very interested in seeing your
   program.  Any chance you'd be willing to share it with the list?  Even
   though experimental contributions like this frequently inspire others
   to create more cool software to share :<)

     sam_i_am_not wrote:
     > We're a small NGO receiving cash donations from various regular
     > donors, I'd love to keep track of how much they have donated.  I
     > assume I do this by setting them us as "customers" and their
     > donation is a "cash sale" but how ? I have no need of invoicing.
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