profit and loss report

David Carlson carlson.dl at
Tue Feb 12 15:44:44 EST 2013

On 2/12/2013 12:57 PM, Tommy Trussell wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 6:18 AM, David Carlson <carlson.dl at>wrote:
>> On 2/11/2013 9:23 PM, David T. wrote:
>>> Ah, well then that's the issue.
>>> Regarding your other question (is 2.4.11 available for puppy), I am not
>> much of a Linux user. However, I think you need to see what repository
>> options the package manager (I gather it's called ppm) has. You  should be
>> able to find a major repository (debian, etc.) with a 2.4.11 package in it,
>> and tell ppm to install it. Or something like that.
>>> David
>> I was able to get 2.4.11 from Debian for Ubuntu 12.04 if that helps.
>> David C
> Trying to dissipate a little confusion (but likely causing more):
> Debian and Ubuntu are different distros and not considered
> binary-compatible (though Ubuntu is a Debian-derived distro so they use the
> same package manager, called apt, and the source packages are very similar
> .deb files). SO you may be able to download the Debian .deb packages
> containing GnuCash binaries, but they would probably not run properly on an
> Ubuntu or Puppy linux system.
> I just read a little about Puppy linux, and it seems there are several
> "flavors" (breeds?) so depending upon which type you have installed, your
> sources could be binary-compatible with a particular version of Slackware
> or Ubuntu. The most recent version of Ubuntu that Puppy is tied to is
> Ubuntu 12.04 LTS "Precise," and the Precise repository contains GnuCash
> 2.4.10.
> SO, IF you use the version of Puppy that is binary compatible with Ubuntu
> Precise, you can get the latest version of GnuCash from
> Just tell the site you are running Ubuntu 12.04
> Precise, and it will
> offer binary packages that will work with your system.
> If you're running the Slackware-compatible version of Puppy, you may have
> to seek advice from a Slackware user. It's been many years since I
> attempted Slackware.
> OR --- you can always compile GnuCash yourself! It's probably easier than
> trying to understand what I just wrote.
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Oh Oh.  Getdeb is no more.  See

David C

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