Gnucash file suffix question.

Jean-David Beyer jeandavid8 at
Tue Jan 22 07:38:27 EST 2013

On 01/22/2013 04:04 AM, Maf. King wrote:

> You need to find your data file - probably with the extension .gnucash or .xac 
> depending on the version that you run.

I am curious about something. I have been running Gnucash for a long
time. At some point my 32-bit machine bit the dust, so I got a new
machine that is 64-bit. I installed a new version of the OS (RHEL 6) and
that permitted me to use a newer version of Gnucash (now
gnucash-2.4.11-1.el6.x86_64). Fortunately, I keep daily backups, so I
could restore all the data.

If I list the directory where the Gnucash data are, I get, in part:

rw-r-----. 1 jeandavid8 jeandavid8 11042332 Jan 19 14:42
-rw-r-----. 1 jeandavid8 jeandavid8     1200 Jan 19 14:52
-rw-r-----. 1 jeandavid8 jeandavid8    46424 Jan 20 15:03
-rw-r-----. 1 jeandavid8 jeandavid8 11044124 Jan 20 15:03 JeanDavid.2006

The .log files still have old name. That is OK.
The main data file has an old name too. But the other ones have the
suffix .gnucash.

Should I leave the main data file as it is (JeanDavid.2006) or should I
change it to JeanDavid.2006.gnucash? I suspect it makes no difference,
but in the future would it cause me problems to leave it as is?

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