Split transactions are killing me

Mike or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at mtdata.com
Tue Jan 22 09:44:36 EST 2013

Split transactions where only split on one side aren't hard. Take a deep 
breath and relax. It might take you a bit of time to learn this if you 
are new to gnucash but you will eventually get it and then you will 
wonder how you had been so confused before.

And note, this is NOT a gnucash thing but the nature of the transaction. 
I have used other accounting software in the past and you have to do 
"splits" in those too when the nature of the transaction is a split.

On the other hand, transactions that are (by their nature) split on BOTH 
sides aren't so easy to enter. I have a lot of experiences and still 
sometimes get one of these messed up*, have to delete it and start over. 
If you decided to give up on these (use more than one transaction 
instead) I could understand.


* These can be fairly easy if you start out right. The fun comes when 
you didn't pick the right way to start.

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