Split transactions are killing me

Mike or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at mtdata.com
Wed Jan 30 09:12:13 EST 2013

Will wrote:

>If split transactions were easy, I wouldn't be here.
Will, have faith, you will get this and once you do (stop doing whatever 
you are now doing wrong) you will wonder how you once managed to have so 
much trouble with simple (one sided) splits.

OK, two sided split transactions (splits on both sides) can be tricky 
even if you are experienced and I have often given up, deleted the 
messed up transaction, and started over. But that's because with a two 
sided split it can make a big difference how you start out and the 
easiest way might be a "fib" about what you first enter (and then later 
correct the amount).


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