General Ledger Issue: Unable to clear transaction once transacttion is "entered"

drouinj2 drouinj at
Fri Nov 1 12:01:52 EDT 2013

Thank you all for the replies:

First, please consider this issue resolved.


Let me summarize the issue and explanations provided by this forum.

1) Because I was doing a conversion, I have been entered lots of historic
2) The General Ledger register only display transactions for a recent period
which explains
why the "disappearance" of those transactions.
3) When you are looking at your General Ledger Register, you can view the
"default" Date Range
under the menu option: "View > Filter > Date". If you wish you can change
the date range as well.


All is both understood and well. I never thought anything was wrong per se.
I guess, for lack 
of better words, I would say it was an unexpected behavior. This being said,
I can very well 
see why a date range is used.


It may not have been clear as to why I use the general ledger register given
the very basic 
example I described but I use it because most of my transactions are
actually split transaction involving 
more than two accounts. I found the general ledger register a good tool for
entering such transactions.

Jean Drouin

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