OS/X 9 Mavericks -- "Get Quotes" issue

John Ralls jralls at ceridwen.us
Sat Oct 26 01:34:58 EDT 2013

On Oct 25, 2013, at 10:07 PM, David T. <sunfish62 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> My situation is a little different… I have tried running /Applications/Gnucash.app/Contents/Resources/gnc-fq-update, CPAN downloads modules, but craps out because it’s looking for /sw/bin/tar
> Now, I once used Fink, but haven’t bothered with it for a couple of iteration of OS X, and nuked the entire tree. I am not savvy enough to know why CPAN wants to use the Fink tree, or how it even knows about it, let alone fix it… Suggestions are welcome.

Two suggestions: Scrub your environment to make sure that there aren't any /sw paths anywhere and delete any .cpan directories you might have (the default is ~/.cpan, but you might have some others somewhere). (No, *three* suggestions) check `perl -V:install` to ensure that you aren't using a self-built perl that has /sw paths in it. (*Four* suggestions!) Wouldn't hurt to check `perl -le 'print join $/, @INC'` for stray paths as well.

John Ralls

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