Cash Flow Report Changes

Robin Chattopadhyay robinraymn at
Tue Apr 8 20:11:10 EDT 2014

On Tue, Apr 8, 2014 at 2:37 PM, Carsten Rinke <carsten.rinke at> wrote:

>  Hi Robin,
> (I hope this nice piece of art survives the mail tranport)

It did for me, thanks.

> Isn't this a bit inconsistent?
> Perhaps, but I have that luxury since I'm keeping books for myself with no
tax or reporting consequences. :-) The checking account is the only account
I use the cash flow report for so I've never had to consider what the
report looks like from the perspective of the other accounts.

In any case, in the course of thinking through my use case, I decided to
change how I was booking this transaction and turn it into two transactions.

Now, I will credit the checking account for the entire payment of $141.00
and debit the prepaid account for the same. The second transaction will
credit the prepaid account and debit the electricity and gas accounts. The
remainder in the prepaid account shows how much I owe (or am owed).

This meets my needs and makes the cash flow report work for me.

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