Problem with the GnuCash TXF file (BobF)
Bob Flora
bflora2 at
Wed Apr 9 12:32:05 EDT 2014
Thanks for your reply, Alex! I found GnuCash's tax report to be very
good, and I was able to manually enter my numbers into TT with no problem.
There were no error messages from either TT or HRB during TXF import,
and I'm not aware of a log file for either program. However, both
programs work well with TXF files exported by my old Quicken 2003
program. So, I will create a dummy ledger in Quicken, add some
income/expense values, and export the values to TXF. Then I'll create a
dummy ledger in GnuCash using the same income/expense values and export
the values to TXF. After verifying the Quicken TXF file works and the
GnuCash TXF doesn't, I'll send both files to you so you can compare
them. I can also test any code changes you make while you work on the issue.
Things are busy right now, but I'll do this in a week or two, if that's ok.
On 4/9/2014 11:52 AM, Alex Aycinena wrote:
> Bob,
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: BobF <bflora2 at <mailto:bflora2 at>>
> To: gnucash-user at <mailto:gnucash-user at>
> Cc:
> Date: Tue, 8 Apr 2014 12:41:20 -0700 (PDT)
> Subject: Problem with the GnuCash TXF file
> I'm new to GnuCash (a Quicken refugee) and I really like it. I've
> imported
> all of my 2013 Quicken business finance data, and I'm now working on
> my US
> tax return. I have assigned my income and expense accounts to their
> appropriate Schedule C categories by going to Edit > Tax Report
> Options. I
> generated a tax report which shows all the correct information, and I
> exported the report to a TXF file.
> The problem is that when I import the TXF file into TurboTax Home &
> Business
> 2013 only the income portion of the data appears to be imported. The
> correct
> total value is shown for income but no expenses are shown. I've tried
> importing the TXF file into H&R Block Premium and the exact same thing
> happened. I opened the TXF file in an editor and I can see the
> expenses are
> indeed recorded in the file.
> Is this a general problem? Or, does someone know what I may have
> done wrong?
> Bob
> I maintain this part of gnucash and would very much like to help you
> with this. However, there is not enough information in your note so that
> I can figure out how. I don't personally use those products or have
> access to them.
> Because tax season is upon us and the due date is looming, your best bet
> in the short-term might be to key in the expense amounts into the tax
> software (I believe most of them let you do this through their GUI)
> using the tax report as your source and as supporting documentation.
> Hopefully, this isn't too tedious and can get you going.
> For next year, if you can help diagnose and fix the problem now, maybe
> we can get it to work.
> Is there any error report that results from your attempt to import the
> TXF file into either program? Or perhaps they generate some kind of log?
> Any other information you may have that could help me figure out what is
> wrong?
> Regards,
> Alex
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