OFX Bayesian import not working for me
Eliot Rosenbloom
eliot at prosocialleadership.net
Mon Aug 18 17:22:30 EDT 2014
Hey - I have just completed 2 more month-ends: June and July. I did
them separately, to allow learning to happen. Only about 3
transactions were properly assigned prior to hitting import; ie, I had
to assign almost all by hand. Ie, they were almost all orange, in
spite of many similar transactions between months.
I looked for the files, you mentioned, John, both currently and in Time
Machine backups from April, when I'm pretty sure it was working.
No ~/.aqbanking file in either case. (I did enable Show invisible
No plist file in either case.
AppSpt/GnuCash folder -- It WAS found among my current files (8/16) &
on a 5/26 backup. Looking quickly, they both seemed to have the same
It was NOT found in the 4/21 Backup. I had RECREATED my Home
folder (a new account per Apple's instructions on 4/18; and 4/21 may
have been before I opened gnucash for the first time thereafter. I
imagine GC may recreate the folder it it doesn't find it.)
I took some screen shots of the Import windows before and after manual
assignment in June and July. Given that they have somewhat personal
data I'd prefer, to send them to a couple of people rather than to the
whole list / internet, assuming they might be helpful.
Obviously, if I could get the Baysian matching to work again, that
would be a huge time savings! Really appreciate any suggestions you
might have.
FWIW: I remain pretty foggy about the Preference thresholds -- eg, are
they thresholds for matching for assignment purposes, or for
non-duplication of transactions already entered into the register. I'm
also foggy about the colored bars and the A, U+R, whatever, columns in
the Import Window.
It just occurred to that, although my new account does not have
permissions (and could not get them via the "GetInfo" window) to view
my TM backups prior to 4/21, I think I may still be able to use my old
account to view the older backups. I will try to look for the files
and folder you mentioned (in backups pre 4/21) if you think that might
be of value. [Ed: I just tried. Probably would be quite hard, since
many files were MOVED to the new account, I think, not copied. I
couldn't even log in. It hung.]
On 7/24/14, 2:40 AM, John Ralls wrote:
On Jul 24, 2014, at 5:02 AM, Eliot Rosenbloom [1]<eliot at prosocialleadership.net>
Thanks, John. Not that I'm aware of. I futzed around a little with MAMP in the
last few months, but not in connection with GC. And I use Filemaker a lot (ins
talled v 13 in April). But that's as close as I get to SQL.
In April, because of a problem with Mac's Calendar app that Apple couldn't fix,
they had me create completely anew my daily (non-admin) account, and then transf
er from the old account as little as possible (so as not to bring the problem wi
th me). I spent 2 or 3 days recreating settings and the like. Might some GC fi
le (perhaps in one of the libraries) not have been copied to the new account and
be causing my problem?
I thumbed thru all the GC Preferences, and nothing jumped out at me (tho I don't
understand them all). (I didn't see anything re: choosing XML or SQL).
I'm not sure, or have only a general sense of, what you are referring to re: "ac
count associations or file backend."
(I'd have responded sooner, but my GnuCash Thunderbird folder got nested, and I
didn't check my web posting and see your response untill just now.)
Please remember to copy the list on all replies by using "reply all" (the double
The backend is selected when you save the file the first time, at the top of the
save dialog. Since you didn't know that, you're probably using the XML backend
and have been right along.
All of GC itself is in GnuCash.app, but its preferences are in ~/Library/Prefere
nces/org.gnucash.Gnucash.plist, other things it keeps track of are in ~/Library/
Application Support/Gnucash, and if you're using online banking that's in ~/.aqb
anking. I don't think that any of that would have any impact on Bayesian matchin
g, which is all kept in the data file, though I suppose if you had to recreate a
qbanking accounts you'd also have to re-associate them with GnuCash accounts and
that might invalidate the old Bayesian keys.
John Ralls
1. mailto:eliot at prosocialleadership.net
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