2.6.1 Notes + Advanced Portfolio Rpt
Chris Good
chris.good at ozemail.com.au
Sat Feb 1 17:47:33 EST 2014
Hi All,
Developers: Thanks very much for all your work. 2.6.1 contains lots of nice
features and is very stable, although a little slow.
1) It has been noted that the Account tree is very slow to resize columns
(Windows only maybe?).
Here's a hint that makes it usable for me:
It takes 30 to 70 seconds to resize a column in account tree view.
Interestingly, if you drag column edge, keep mouse button down, then wiggle
mouse, takes only a couple of seconds. Seems like UI is not getting a chance
do its resizing work and wiggling mouse stops it from getting hung up.
2) I don't know if this is a change to the 'default' stylesheet or I had
modified my default in 2.4.11, but in 2.6.1, the Advanced Portfolio Rpt
which uses the 'default' stylesheet, the font was too big to see all the
report on screen at once. To put it back the way it was, I changed 'default'
stylesheet to use font Segoe UI:
Edit, Style Sheets, Default, Font: Change font to Segoe UI (Normal
or Bold as required)
You must rerun report for the change to be effective.
Mike Alexander,
The problem in 2.4.11 with missing basis fields in the Advanced Portolio
Report when using Basis calculation method 'Average' does not occur in
2.6.1. You must have fixed it with one of your mods. Thanks very much again!
Regards, Chris Good
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