Scheduled Transactions: Name changes every month

David Carlson david.carlson.417 at
Tue Feb 4 10:42:59 EST 2014

On 2/4/2014 6:56 AM, jcard21 xxxxxxx wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 3, 2014 at 4:45 PM, Gast1234 <gast1234 at> wrote:
>> Dear Community,
>> I generated a several scheduled transactions. I used an existing
>> transaction, which had a specific name, e.g. "phone jan.". If I use the
>> specific transaction, all folowing transaction will have the same name. How
>> is it possible to set the name as a variable?
>> Thanks a lot!
> I'll assume, in this example, you are referring to using the Scheduled
> Txn for your Checking Account Register.
> I wouldn't want the "name" (Txn-Description?) to change. Using your
> example (phone company), here is what I have for my Txn:
> Txn-Date: 2014-01-13 Mon
> Txn-Description = {Phone Company Name}
> Txn-Memo: Entered: 2014-01-09 Thu/Due: 2014-01-27 Mon/GM360-HMTTZ
> (Bank ConfirmationNo)
> Split-Note: 2014 Jan 01 - Jan 31
> Split-Account: {Expenses:Telephone}
> Split-Amt: {$Amt}
> After the Scheduled Txn is auto-entered into the register for that
> month, I manually change/edit the Txn-Memo and Split-Note for that
> current month.
> ---
> jcard21
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First, I hope that the assumption that jcard21 made that you meant to
refer to the description field in a scheduled transaction when you used
the word "name" is correct.  I doubt that the title of the transaction
in the list of scheduled transactions is what you were referring to,
although I may be wrong.

While I probably would not put a variable in the description field
myself, I do think that is a reasonable suggestion.  In your suggested
scenario I do something similar to what jcard21 does by putting a month
name in a memo or note field, and I believe that it would be nice to
have an ability to have a variable that could pick text from a list of
month names, for example. 

In the interest of generality, I think that allowing text variables in
all of the text fields is a nice idea, but it may be very difficult to
implement.  Setting it up so the user can "fill in the blanks" when the
Since Last Run assistant runs would be how I would expect it to work in
a practical implementation. 

Since I am a user, not a developer, I hope we can hear from developers
on this topic.

David C

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