Maybe the last advanced portfolio update for now

Mike Alexander mta at
Thu Feb 20 22:59:59 EST 2014

--On February 20, 2014 7:02:43 PM -0800 farleykj <farleykj at> 

> I do have an odd thing that happens, but wonder if it's something I
> have set up wrong, etc. If I run the report with the default
> settings, there are a couple of securities I've got that come up with
> a zero cost basis. That shouldn't be, because I've been regularly
> buying it shares of these funds via the company 401(k), etc.
> If I change the basis cost calculation method from "Average" to
> "FIFO" or "LIFO", the cost basis is calculated correctly. I don't
> know why this only happens for these two securities and not others, I
> can't find anything they have in common. Perhaps there is some odd
> calculation done in the average situation only?

What version of GnuCash are you using?  Have you installed a later 
version of the Advanced Portfolio report in this version of GnuCash? 
Are the other numbers correct for those two securities?  Are there any 
sales of these securities (or other transactions that would reduce the 
basis) or only purchases?  If you run the report for other dates, 
before some of the purchases, is the basis correct?  Can you find a 
date at which it becomes incorrect and see what transaction happens 


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