problems with HBCI
Christoph Sökler
soekler at
Sun Jan 19 16:01:16 EST 2014
hey everyone,
i am a huge fan of gnucash thank you very much for that wonderful program.
i have switched banks and i have the following problem or rather: two
first i dont seem to be able to connect with my bank, i always get the
following log, if i click on "list of accounts" (The English text in
brackets is my translation from German to my best knowledge):
21:44:15 AqHBCI gestartet (AqHBCI started)
21:44:15 Selecting iTAN mode "iTAN" (900)
21:44:15 Aufträge werden kodiert (Orders are coded)
21:44:19 Aufträge werden gesendet (Orders are sent)
21:44:19 Connecting to server...
21:44:19 Resolving hostname "" ...
21:44:19 IP address is "XXX"
21:44:19 Connecting to ""
21:44:19 Connected to ""
21:44:20 Connected.
21:44:20 Sending message...
21:44:20 Message sent.
21:44:20 Warte auf Antwort (Waiting for response)
21:44:20 Receiving response...
21:44:20 HTTP-Status: 200 (OK)
21:44:20 Response received.
21:44:20 Disconnecting from server...
21:44:20 Disconnected.
21:44:20 Antwort erhalten (Answer received)
21:44:20 HBCI: 9800 - Der Dialog wurde abgebrochen. Bitte melden Sie sich
erneut an. (M) (Dialogue aborted. Please sign in again. (M))
21:44:20 HBCI: 9010 - Ungültiger Signaturaufbau: Fehler im Segmentaufbau.
(M) (Unvalid Signature Buildup: Error in building up of segment. (M)).
21:44:20 Dialog aborted by bank, assuming bad PIN
21:44:20 Dialog-Abbruch durch den Server. (Dialogue Abortion by Server)
21:44:20 AqHBCI abgeschlossen. (AqHBCI closed)
21:44:20 Vorgang abgeschlossen, Sie können das Fenster nun schließen.
(Process finished. You can close the window now.)
Anyone able to help?
Thank you very, very much!
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