Configuration AqBanking for Italian and Dutch bank accounts

eiasu novutopia eiasu.novutopia at
Tue Jul 8 11:33:34 EDT 2014

Hi everybody,
I'm very happy user of Gnucash that I use to control and manage the money flow of our international group; so far I happily used GNUCash with the AQBanking interface to check German bank accounts (ComDirect, DKB, and Sparkasse), now I am trying to add also some Italian bank accounts (Fineco and INGDirect) and Dutch bank accounts (ING; ABN Amro and RABO).
So far I did not manage to fill the data for the Dutch and Italian Banks, looks like there are only German banks in the list of the bank code, when I try to add a new bank account in the AqBanking forms.

Thank you very very much,

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