Aw: Re: Show generation date on report

Mark Arnold msalists at
Sat Jun 28 13:50:34 EDT 2014

   Hi Mike,

   re. your question about the purpose:
   I am generating reports and sending them to my CPA. He tells me to
   change this or that or the other. I do that and then send him the next
   version. We discuss things over the phone.
   Sometimes it would help if I could say "Are you looking at the latest
   version? What's the Generation Date on the report you are looking at?".
   And looking at two or three versions, it would be nice to see in which
   order they were printed. The "run FOR date" is always the same - end of
   tax year.


   Purpose? For example, you mention the Balance Sheet. The DATA on a
   balance sheet depends only on the "date as of" provided that this date
   is less than or equal to the date when run. As long as you are running
   Balance Sheet report FOR a date on or before dates that it is run all
   these balance sheets will be exactly the same as long as no
   with effective dates on or before have been altered.
   OK -- I CAN see some reasons where you might make use of this date (the
   date run) if at several dates AFTER the effective date of the report
   are making additions/corrections with dates on or before the effective
   date. And you have exported these several versions and now need to try
   to figure out which is which. Think about the various ways you might
   know which was the latest << besides the data IN the report >>
   PS: Profit & Loss is the same except it is a date range, not a single
   effective date. But again, provided not transaction shave been
   added/altered with dates within this range the report will be the same
   regardless of when run.

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