Deposits Report

Aaron Laws dartme18 at
Thu Nov 6 21:24:31 EST 2014

On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 9:08 PM, TanyaMc <tanyamc at> wrote:

> I looked at the new company chart of accounts, and I believe I have edited
> the chart of accounts as you suggested. This did not change the results of
> the cash flow report. The *non-bank accounts *do not show any activity.
> And,
> my previous workaround/custom report no longer works because of the revised
> chart of accounts.
> accounts_revised.jpg
> <>
I was just writing up a response to your earlier message. This looks much
better. You can delete Assets:Imbalance and Assets:Orphan after ensuring
there are no transactions in them. Also, I take it that all the money in
the subaccounts of Assets:Checking (Ray Berry, Billy Memorial, etc.) are
actually together in the Checking account, right? What about the other
accounts that aren't subaccounts of Checking? Do each of them represent a
separate bank account (or physical pile of cash, or something else)? I'm
especially curious about Reimbursabl Manse Expense. I assume this is in a
bank account rather than, say, a pile of gold, or physical currency in
someone's wallet, etc. If so, is it in the Checking account also?

> Which leads me to another question regarding setting up the chart/reports.
> I
> would prefer a report that shows the income then expense for general fund,
> with a net income figure, then shows the income and expense for the special
> use funds, with a net income figure for those, and then a bottom line net
> income that is the combination of all accounts. Is that possible?
I think this is a combination of reports, but I'm not sure exactly how to
cook it up just now. A Profit and Loss report for each of the Revenue
accounts, then some summary. I don't know of a report that can do that out
of the box, but I don't use reporting often.

In Christ,
Aaron Laws

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