Ratio of savings to expenses

Wm wm+gnc at tarrcity.demon.co.uk
Wed Nov 26 19:03:49 EST 2014

Tue, 25 Nov 2014 08:13:56 
<CAEYqmupt6ZXWHSZTmj1ZXVKA1EtKypypfubkAs1NR1zeAgLU4w at mail.gmail.com> 
Rob Cussons <robcussons at gmail.com>

>I'm not sure I understand your comment of "Insufficient". I'm interested in
>calculating my savings to income ratio as per:
>which requires the following calculation:
>(savings each month including pension contributions by myself and employer
>and company share schemes) / (gross income - (income tax + NI) + employer's
>pension contributions)
>I would like to be able to track how this changes on a monthly basis with
>relatively little effort, although I understand your point about black

there is a reason the other people in the article and responses you 
refer to are using spreadsheets.  consider:

if I withdraw 1000 from my savings a/c to buy something does the savings 
ratio change or not ? does it matter if I buy another asset or spend the 
money on a holiday ?

if I win a lottery prize of 1000 and put into my savings a/c does that 
change the savings ratio or not ?

> Is a standard report plus manually extracting the data the only way
>to do this or can I customise a report somehow to achieve this?

even if you could get a report to do the sums you'd still spend time 
adding things back in and taking other things out.

anyway, the purpose of the original article wasn't to encourage you to 
do the sums but to reduce your expenditure, you don't need no fancy 
ratios to do that and gnc does have the graphs and reports you need to 
help you.


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