Handling charitable donation as a discount on an invoice

Buddha Buck blaisepascal at gmail.com
Tue Oct 28 09:11:21 EDT 2014

On Tue Oct 28 2014 at 8:54:49 AM Mike or Penny Novack <
stepbystepfarm at mtdata.com> wrote:

> How about if we (first) generalize the problem? I'm not a user of the
> business functions so no personal experience. Those of you who are, try
> answering this question. What do you do in a case where when an invoice
> comes back in with payment, instead of there being just one check there
> are two? (totaling to the full amount of the invoice). Surely not that
> uncommon for an invoice to be paid by more than one payment.

I would process both payments as separate payments. It's not hard to do,
and it all works out.

> There IS a relationship between this problem and the one being asked.

I suppose your proposed solution is to  process it as two payments, one
against a cash account, and the other against a charitable expense account.
I think that would work fine.

Another solution would be to process a payment for the full amount using
the business features, then to edit the payment transaction to add a split
for the charitable expense. I used to do that all the time to deal with
transaction fees for invoices paid by PayPal.

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