Backup and recovery

Alaric um.167 at
Fri Dec 18 18:15:22 EST 2015

I back up every two or three days using a frontend to rsync.  I have 
never had any problem before.  I have a display problem which has 
involved regular re installs of the distro and each time I copy the 
backed up files to my Documents directory.  I have always previously 
been able to open the file using the main name assigned to the set of 
accounts when I set it up.

	This is the first time I have had a problem.  I have now recovered one 
set of accounts but the other appears to be irretrievably lost.


On 19/12/15 10:30, Dorel Ciornei wrote:
> I am sorry to hear that you had this problem.
> Personally I find it very easy to back up GNUCash data since all the info is in one single file (***.gnucash).For a while I was having the program create automatic backups with the option to keep them forever and I was just deleting the ones I didn't need (I kept usually one file at the end of each month).
> Lately I switched to 30 days like you, however at the end of each month I physically copy the last file of that month to a separate folder which is backed up to an external storage. I also checked many of these files by opening them in GNU Cash and comparing the info with the one in the 'main' file. I have never seen a difference.
> I hope you can find a way to back up so you don't lose the info again.
> But be carefully, the other programs available have similar issues with back ups. The only difference is that you may have to backup a whole folder instead of a file.
> Good luck.Dorel
>      On Friday, December 18, 2015 2:42 PM, Alaric <um.167 at> wrote:
>   On looking through preferences I see that the default is to retain log
> files for 30 days.  I would have thought that a backup when the data was
> still current would have recovered all the data but apparently it doesn't.
>      I run two sets of accounts, my own and an organization of which I am
> treasurer.  I may be able to recover the ledger for the organization
> from the auditor.  My own accounts will have to be re-entered from
> 1/4/15.  I don't think it will be on Gnucash.
> Alaric
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