Wrong date when importing OFX file from HSBC

Dave H hellvee at gmail.com
Tue Feb 3 17:52:30 EST 2015

Argghh forget all that rubbish, I don't know what I thought I was looking
at :-)

Cheers Dave H...

On 04/02/2015 8:50 AM, "Dave H" <hellvee at gmail.com> wrote:

> Diarmaid,
> I'm not familiar with qif file formats so don't know if this is relevant
> or not but if you're in the UK why does the date exported in the qif from
> Money look to be in US format - i.e. should it be D01/09'2015 instead of
> D09/01'2015 ?
> How do your dates appear in Money - as dd/mm/ccyy or mm/dd/ccyy ?
> Cheers Dave H...
> On 04/02/2015 5:38 AM, "Diarmaid Lee" <djlee97 at btinternet.com> wrote:
>> Hello John,
>> thank you for your patience. Here is the information you requested. A
>> single transaction on the 9th Jan 2015.
>> OFX from bank,
>> <DTPOSTED>20150109000000</DTPOSTED>
>> <TRNAMT>-2.99</TRNAMT>
>> <FITID>2015010932015009195252550010000</FITID>
>> <NAME>INT'L 0078697812</NAME>
>> QIF from money
>> D09/01'2015
>> MAmazon EU AMAZON.CO.UK dvd
>> T-2.99
>> PINT'L 0078697812
>> LHousehold:Leisure & Enter
>> ^
>> The problem I think is the import process, when I import an OFX file from
>> my bank. Maybe a time setting in gnucash that I haven't set properly?
>> Diarmaid
>> On 03/02/15 15:07, John Ralls wrote:
>>> On Feb 3, 2015, at 12:21 AM, Diarmaid Lee <djlee97 at btinternet.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> All the dates match at the moment because; 1) the bank has to be right
>>>> as it is the source of information I am relying on, and 2) I imported and
>>>> reconciled all transactions from money to gnucash so that they are all
>>>> correct and match with the bank.
>>>> I have an idea now, that the issue is in the import process. Either
>>>> with gnucash, or something I have done or am doing? I cannot think what
>>>> though as the gnucash import is very good at guiding me through import
>>>> proses.
>>>> Garbage in garbage out might not be so very far from that, in that, the
>>>> import process (either me or gnucash) is making the garbage.
>>>>  Let's start over.
>>> You have two sets of import files, OFX ones from your bank, which you
>>> imported to MS Money, and QIF files which you exported from MS Money to
>>> GnuCash. You originally reported that the dates displayed in GnuCash were
>>> all 1 day later than those displayed on HSBC's website; presumably they
>>> were all correct when displayed in MS Money.
>>> I understand your first paragraph to mean that you have edited the dates
>>> in GnuCash to match those on the bank's website.
>>> We can still analyze the problem: Please pick a transaction and examine
>>> it in both the OFX file which you got from the bank and the QIF file that
>>> you extracted from MS Money. Note that OFX passes a full date-time stamp
>>> with a timezone. Please report the following:
>>> The date of the transaction on the bank's website.
>>> The date, time, and timezone of the transaction in the OFX file.
>>> The date of the transaction in the QIF file.
>>> Confirm that the original date displayed in GnuCash for the transaction
>>> was a day later than the bank's website.
>>> Regards,
>>> John Ralls
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