Invoicing and expenses query

Alice Lee alee212007 at
Mon Feb 23 12:24:51 EST 2015

You do not expense these items that are going to be reimbursed.  Credit cash
and debit an account receivable.  If, for some reason, they do not pay.  You
would then expense it as a bad debt.  You should normally have some advance
payment if your investment in materials is significant.

-----Original Message-----
From: gnucash-user
[ at] On Behalf
Of Antonio Roberts
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2015 6:27 AM
To: gnucash-user at
Subject: Re: Invoicing and expenses query

> What about your profit on those?
> The majority would not charge out at the purchase price.
I'm not making any profit on these.

To give some context, I'm making an interactive installation for a gallery.
I'm receiving a fee for my time on the project and then have to charge them
the cost of the materials that I purchased. So far this has been a Raspberry
Pi, SD card and a HDMI cable.

I don't need to worry about things like VAT etc, just the actual cost that I
paid for the materials.

So, in this case, would I record the expenses as I buy them and then add
them again to an invoice, or only input them on the invoice?

And, hypothetically speaking, if I was to do the latter what would I do if
they didn't pay? I would still have bought equipment.

I don't know if there's a "proper" way to do this so asking for advice based
on experience.


On 22 February 2015 at 20:59, Liz <edodd at> wrote:
> On Sun, 22 Feb 2015 17:50:13 +0000
> Antonio Roberts <antonio at> wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> I'm fairly new to using GNUcash and have a question about invoices 
>> and expenses.
>> I've bought some computer components for a project for a customer.
>> I've added each of those to my expenses. When the project is over 
>> I'll be invoicing the customer. Is there a way to simply add the 
>> expenses to that invoice or do I have to re-add each of those to the
>> Thanks
>> Antonio
> What about your profit on those?
> The majority would not charge out at the purchase price.
> I don't know of an automated way to do this, but would be using an 
> unposted invoice to keep a record.
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