Invoicing and expenses query

Antonio Roberts antonio at
Tue Feb 24 09:38:38 EST 2015

Thanks Alice, I'm beginning to understand.

I do usually get an advance if I have to buy a lot of materials, but
usually I spend around £30 only.

If I only add the extra items that I buy to the invoice and not the
expense does it not then look like I have made more profit when in
fact it's just a reimbursement?



On 23 February 2015 at 17:24, Alice Lee <alee212007 at> wrote:
> You do not expense these items that are going to be reimbursed.  Credit cash
> and debit an account receivable.  If, for some reason, they do not pay.  You
> would then expense it as a bad debt.  You should normally have some advance
> payment if your investment in materials is significant.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: gnucash-user
> [ at] On Behalf
> Of Antonio Roberts
> Sent: Monday, February 23, 2015 6:27 AM
> To: gnucash-user at
> Subject: Re: Invoicing and expenses query
>> What about your profit on those?
>> The majority would not charge out at the purchase price.
> I'm not making any profit on these.
> To give some context, I'm making an interactive installation for a gallery.
> I'm receiving a fee for my time on the project and then have to charge them
> the cost of the materials that I purchased. So far this has been a Raspberry
> Pi, SD card and a HDMI cable.
> I don't need to worry about things like VAT etc, just the actual cost that I
> paid for the materials.
> So, in this case, would I record the expenses as I buy them and then add
> them again to an invoice, or only input them on the invoice?
> And, hypothetically speaking, if I was to do the latter what would I do if
> they didn't pay? I would still have bought equipment.
> I don't know if there's a "proper" way to do this so asking for advice based
> on experience.
> Antonio
> On 22 February 2015 at 20:59, Liz <edodd at> wrote:
>> On Sun, 22 Feb 2015 17:50:13 +0000
>> Antonio Roberts <antonio at> wrote:
>>> Hi list,
>>> I'm fairly new to using GNUcash and have a question about invoices
>>> and expenses.
>>> I've bought some computer components for a project for a customer.
>>> I've added each of those to my expenses. When the project is over
>>> I'll be invoicing the customer. Is there a way to simply add the
>>> expenses to that invoice or do I have to re-add each of those to the
> invoice?
>>> Thanks
>>> Antonio
>> What about your profit on those?
>> The majority would not charge out at the purchase price.
>> I don't know of an automated way to do this, but would be using an
>> unposted invoice to keep a record.
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antonio at

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