Invoices/Receipts and PayPal fees

Geert Janssens geert.gnucash at
Fri Jan 30 06:37:34 EST 2015

On Friday 30 January 2015 06:37:40 Jill Terry wrote:
> Hi.
> Situation: non-profit club that does not issue customer invoices but
> members payments need to be tracked.
> In QuickBooks I would enter a receipt, on which I state where it's
> paid into, hence just one transaction.
> In Gnu is there a better way than to do an invoice and then
> immediately process payment, which is two transactions?
That should be possible yes.

You can enter transaction directly as well in GnuCash. For each payment 
you receive enter the transaction in the proper bank/cash account 

Just like in QuickBooks you could use the name of the customer as 
description for the transaction.

When you need to see all the information for one user you can either:

a. use "Edit->Find" on your income account (search on description using 
name), and optionally open Report->Account report on the search results.

b. use any of the reports available that gives you the information you 
want. The transaction report is probably a good candidate. You can 
select your income account in the options and then sort on Description 
and date. That would group your income per customer.

Can you work with these ?


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