Is there a difference between creating a new customer and new account?

Robert Heller heller at
Wed Jul 15 17:16:56 EDT 2015

At Wed, 15 Jul 2015 10:47:29 -0400 "Larry D. James" <ljames at> wrote:

> Is there a different in creating a new customer and new account?  If 
> there is a difference, can some specify some components.

An 'account' relates to money or currency or stock transfers and related
activities. 'Account' in the sense of a Checking Account or a Credit Card
Account or an Expense Account. An account contains transactions (money
transfers with other accounts) and is in some sort of currency and has a type,

A 'customer' is someone you do business with who pays you for some goods or
services you provide. You might associate (indirectly) an Income Account for
the income you get from the customer when he (or she) pays you. You might have
an Expense Account for expenses related to the job(s) you do for the customer.
A customer has things like billing and shipping addresses and may have a
billing terms setting and have settings relating to tax tables and might have
one or more Jobs.

> Of course it might be the exact thing by a different name.

No they are very different things.

If you have no customers (eg if you are not a business), you will still have

> Thanks.
> -- L. James

Robert Heller             -- 978-544-6933
Deepwoods Software        -- Custom Software Services  -- Linux Administration Services
heller at       -- Webhosting Services

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