How to delete credit notes

Antonio Roberts antonio at
Mon Mar 30 18:39:43 EDT 2015

Hi Geert,

Thanks for that information. I did indeed have pre-payment. I managed
to fix one of the transactions but the other has two prepayments as
shown here

How do I rectify this?

Also, where can I read any documentation on what this prepayment thing
actually is?

Kind regards,


On 30 March 2015 at 20:56, Geert Janssens <geert.gnucash at> wrote:
> On Monday 30 March 2015 19:17:06 Antonio Roberts wrote:
>> I accidentally created a bunch of credit notes (somehow by unposting
>> then posting a bill this happened).
>> Is there a way that I can delete these?
>> Thanks
>> Antonio
> Hi Antonio,
> This FAQ entry also counts for credit notes:
> Are you sure however you are looking at "Credit Notes" ? When you unpost
> a paid bill the payment will show op as a pre-payment in the Payment
> window. This is however not the same as a credit note.
> When you repost the bill, you can link that pre-payment again to the
> bill as follows:
> 1. Open Vendor->Process Payment...
> 2. Select the vendor
> 3. Select both the bill and the pre-payment. If you didn't change the
> bill's total amount when it was unposted, they should still offset each
> other nicely, so the net amount still to pay should be 0.
> 4. Adjust any other settings as needed and click ok.
> Regards,
> Geert

antonio at

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