Emacs on OS X
David Bergum
dib at red-sky.us
Sun Oct 11 17:23:41 EDT 2015
> On Oct 11, 2015, at 15:38, John Ralls <jralls at ceridwen.us> wrote:
>> On Oct 11, 2015, at 11:53 AM, Erik Colson <eco at ecocode.net> wrote:
>> David Bergum <dib at red-sky.us> writes:
>>> I'm going to not add Macports to my env on login and just add it when i want to run xemacs, which is the only reason I have it!
>> For what it's worth, and this is really OT here...
>> - most geeks (including me ;)) use brew (http://brew.sh) instead of
>> macports. brew is known to be much cleaner than Fink or Macports
>> - I use brew emacs as editor and it rocks :) but if you prefer xemacs,
>> you'll have to stick to macports or fink as I think brew doesn't
>> support it
> Gnome geeks use jhbuild.
> Gnu Emacs is available as an app bundle from http://emacsformacosx.com/, no fake-Linux-on-your-mac required, and of course the command-line emacs has been included in all versions of OS X though it’s been stuck at 22.1 since 10.5, probably due to Apple’s allergy to GPLV3.
I have used Aquaemacs for when I don't want to start X11. But since I retired, I don't have a need to do much source editing, so it has failed into disrepair! Updating things this weekend.
David Bergum <dib at red-sky.us>
218-365-0887 LandLine
1282 Wander Rd 218-206-2133 Skype
Isabella, MN 55607 612-723-7135 Mobile
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