New to GNUCash

Mike or Penny Novack mpnovack at
Wed Apr 6 10:05:25 EDT 2016

On 4/5/2016 10:02 AM, John Angelico wrote:
> Hi all, from Melbourne, Australia.

> 2. Backup of files (just a .zip is all I need) from within the File Menu
> Does anyone have any news? Even to tell me that I'm a noob and should 
> ask in some other list.
> Regards,
> John Angelico 
John, what is your GENERAL backup procedure? For ALL of the user data on 
your computer. Do you instead backup "documents" one by one? Do you 
expect your word processing application to do the backup for your text 
documents, your spreadsheet application to do the backups for all of 
your spreadsheets, etc.? And how could you expect to have the 
application handle the PHYSICAL parts of the process (say bringing the 
backup device from the fire safe, connecting/mounting it, and later 
putting it back in a safe location. Or to know whether you are making 
one or two backup copies, one to be kept handy for restores needed for 
"soft" problems and one kept remote for "disaster recovery".

Seriously, you should give thought to how ALL user data on your computer 
is going to be backed up. It's not IF you will need to recover but WHEN. 
Responsibility for backup doesn't belong WITHIN any of the applications 
that are creating/changing the data.

Michael D Novack

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