Non Profit chart of accounts

Mike or Penny Novack mpnovack at
Fri Apr 8 19:06:01 EDT 2016

On 4/8/2016 3:14 PM, trythis wrote:
> I am entering a chart of accounts for a non profit and I am starting with the
> one provided on this page:

> I would love to use the tax options and include the 990 or 990 EZ line
> numbers but I imagine that would require something out of my capabilities.
I keep books for nonprofits. The sort of thing you suggest is seriously 

1) Suppose the board of the non-profit chooses "exact amount" rather 
than "whole dollar" for keeping books. The 990 or 990-EZ must be done 
whole dollar, must be in balance with itself, and must be in balance 
with prior years, and no, rounded (A+B) does not equal rounded(A) + 
rounded(B)  << it might, but then again it might not -- the point is the 
relation "rounded" does not have the property >>

2) Some line items are going imply keeping books differently than any 
board would want reports. For example, postage (a 990 line item) but 
while the board might accept "overhead (office) postage" as postage 
probably wants to have the cost of mailing a fundraising letter under 
fundraising expenses, etc. The point is that you as treasurer are going 
to be keeping a level of detail in the books necessary for ALL purposes 
(the 990, but also you quarterly, or whatever, treasurer's report. You 
will take the RAW data (reports as produced by gnucash) and edit those.


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