entries into register won't record

gnua at sundew.org.uk gnua at sundew.org.uk
Mon Mar 7 03:28:22 EST 2016

Thanks for the links Colin, I'll take a good read at some point.

I've got the latest version on windows and still see the issue, to a 
lesser extent.  When I try to edit a scheduled event (e.g. the rent has 
gone up since I created the schedule), I can modify the transaction as 
needed, but it won't save.  I haven't had the issue with new 
transactions since getting it running on windows.  so my question until 
I get GC installed in ubuntu is how to edit a scheduled transaction.

Many thanks

On 2016-02-28 15:49, Colin Law wrote:
> On 28 February 2016 at 08:13,  <gnua at sundew.org.uk> wrote:
>> I've done some further investigation which brings me to two questions:
>> 1)  I've opened my datafile in gc for windows - 2.6.11 which gives me 
>> the
>> same error.  From that I conclude the problem isn't due to the old 
>> version
>> of GC.  Is that fair?  Any suggestions how to get things working?  
>> There
>> seems to be no pattern to which entries I can or cannot enter.
>> 2) Is there a step by step guide to compiling Gnucash on Ubuntu - or 
>> at
>> least some reading material someone could point me to?  It's nothing
>> something I've done before but I'm keen to learn. I'm reasonably up to 
>> speed
>> runnign from the command prompt but could do with a compiler's guide. 
>> ( I
>> realise that's probably not one for here, but any pointers to helpful 
>> sites
>> would be appreciated.)
> There are quite detailed instructions on the wiki but they may be a
> little out of date [1].  They won't be far off though.  However if you
> just want the latest build then get it from getdeb. See [2] for doing
> that.
> [1] http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Building
> [2] http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Ubuntu
> Colin

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