Reports crashing

Colin Law clanlaw at
Mon May 2 03:48:20 EDT 2016

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On 2 May 2016 at 08:35, Bernd Jansons <bernd at> wrote:
> Hi, Colin. Initially with via the Ubuntu Software Center. Subsequently with
> Synaptic and, finally, sudo apt-get install gnucash. I even tried sudo
> apt-get build-dep gnucash. None of these worked. I know gnucash depends on a
> couple Firefox plugins (, etc), but these are not
> present in usr/lib/mozilla/plugins and even removing and re-installing
> Firefox doesn't help.

Gnucash does not need any firefox plugins, I would be interested to
know what makes you think it does.

I asked because you said you had gnucash 2.6.12 installed on 14.04
which must have been by a different install mechanism, so I wonder
whether something has been left lying around from that.  What does
apt-cache policy gnucash
show?  Copy/paste the result here please.


> Bernd
> On Mon, 02 May 2016 17:20:39 +1000, Colin Law <clanlaw at> wrote:
>> On 1 May 2016 at 23:33, Bernd Jansons <bernd at> wrote:
>>> Thanks, Tommy. I'll try starting the application via the terminal to get
>>> some sort of error message. I know about the cache issue. Gnucash 2.6.12
>>> had
>>> already been installed under Ubuntu 14.04 so the cache note didn't really
>>> apply after upgrading to 16.04. Nevertheless I did delete the latest cash
>>> folder anyway when I re-installed the application to see it that would
>>> fix
>>> the problem. Unfortunately, it didn't.
>> How did you install gnucash?
>> Colin
>>> On Mon, 02 May 2016 05:16:26 +1000, Tommy Trussell
>>> <tommy.trussell at> wrote:
>>>> On Sat, Apr 30, 2016 at 10:22 PM, Bernd Jansons <bernd at>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I've been using gnucash for years ... successfully. My current version
>>>>> is
>>>>> 2.6.12 build 18/04/2016. It was running >>fine under Ubuntu 14.04. Once
>>>>> I
>>>>> upgraded to Ubuntu 16.04, reports no longer work ... any/all reports. A
>>>>> report >>request causes the screen to dim for several minutes then
>>>>> gnucash
>>>>> closes ... presumably having crashed. There are no >>error messages. I
>>>>> have
>>>>> completely removed the app and reinstalled it ... same result. I am
>>>>> also
>>>>> running the exact >>same configuration on another machine and
>>>>> everything
>>>>> works fine (Ubuntu 16.04 + gnucash 2.6.12). I was reasonably
>>>>> >>confident
>>>>> there would be others with the same problem but I can't find anything
>>>>> on the
>>>>> Internet. Can anyone help? I >>need gnucash for my business and I need
>>>>> to
>>>>> generate reports, particularly transcation reports, income statements
>>>>> and
>>>>> >>tax invoices.
>>>>> If you were using the Ubuntu-supplied GnuCash 2.6.1 that was included
>>>>> in
>>>>> Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, then you are bumping in the >Guile Cache bug that was
>>>>> fixed in later versions.
>>>> Here's the text from the front page of the web site (I got
>>>> this from the 2.6.12 release announcement):
>>>>> Important update notification
>>>>> If you are updating from gnucash 2.6.0-2.6.4 on linux, you are advised
>>>>> to
>>>>> remove the guile user cache or several >>parts of gnucash may fail to
>>>>> work
>>>>> properly. This user cache can be found in
>>>>> .cache/guile/ccache/2.0-LE-8-2.0/
>>>>> in your >>home directory. It's safe to remove the whole contents of
>>>>> this
>>>>> directory.
>>>>> Note .cache is a hidden folder in your home directory. You may have to
>>>>> change your file manager's settings in order >>to view hidden files and
>>>>> folders.
>>>> If the procedure above doesn't fix it, you will want to see the error
>>>> messages. The easiest way is to open a terminal >and start the
>>>> application
>>>> using the gnucash command.
>>>> (For some reason, when you turn OFF the "send crash notices to
>>>> Canonical"
>>>> option under Ubuntu's system settings, the >system doesn't display any
>>>> application crash notices at all. You don't HAVE to allow the system to
>>>> send
>>>> the notices to >Canonical's bug tracker even when they appear, so I
>>>> usually
>>>> turn that option on, even when I'm not going to send them.)
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