Opening balance displayed doubled

Geert Janssens geert.gnucash at
Wed Apr 12 12:08:13 EDT 2017

On woensdag 12 april 2017 17:49:23 CEST Uma Ananth wrote:
> I am in the process of learning the basics on how to use GNUcash software
> for personal and business accounting.
> Yesterday I entered an opening balance of $3880 as equity. The entry
> displayed as double the dollar amount. Could you please explain why that
> would be doubled?
> This is puzzling. Any thoughts or suggestions.Thank you in advance for your
> help.

Hi Uma,

Welcome to gnucash!

Unfortunately there is not enough information in your question to give help 
you further.

What do you mean with the entry is displayed as double? Can you attach a 
screenshot to show what you see ?



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message. This is confusing for regular followers of the mailing list. In the 
future if you want to start a new topic, please send a new mail with a useful 
subject directly to gnucash-user at instead of answering to an 
unrelated mail.

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