Processing accounts payable

R. Victor Klassen rvklassen at
Sun Feb 5 19:54:47 EST 2017

My parallel to your flow is similar, but I’ll flesh out a few details.

>  1)  Vendor invoice/bill/statement is received, entered in A/P and posted.

Assuming you have the business features enabled, step 1 is to create the bill, and enter its itemization, and then post it.

>  2)  When it's time to process A/P outstanding invoices are displayed and
> 	those to be paid are selected.

Here you have a choice.  The simplest is to select a bill that is to unpaid.   I’m guessing there is a way of finding all the outstanding bills, but I’ve not searched for it, as I generally know who hasn’t been paid, so I find all bills for that vendor, and then the list shows by checkmark which are and are not paid.   There is an accounts payable report, but it can be tough to decipher when multiple purchases precede the first payment, and then purchases continue to run behind the payments.

Select any one of them, to pay it.   From memory, you might have to open it, or there may be a “pay” button on the bill selection window.

Now, as you want to pay everything outstanding (or possibly just what is due soon) for that vendor, you get to select whichever bill(s) you will pay, and then fill in the date, and select the account from which the payment is to be made.   I assume this is called “Checking Account” for the sake of argument.  Once you’ve accepted everything in the window, the payment is in the “Checking Account” register, although it hasn’t actually been printed.
>  3)  Checks are printed, one for each vendor.

Switch over to the “Checking Account” register, select the line in the register showing the payment you just created and select print (command-P on Mac, likely control-P on Windows, Linux?). 

>  4)  When checks are correctly printed the check number for each is entered
> 	in the payment record.


>  5)  The payments are posted which credits the checking account and debits
> 	the accounts payable account.

This already happened when you did the “pay bill” dialogue near the end of step 2, above.

And you repeat steps 2 through 5 as many times as necessary, although you could repeat just one before moving on or you could do the whole sequence before moving to the next vendor.

>  What is the complete work flow for processing A/P in GnuCash-2.6.15?
> Rich
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