Processing accounts payable

Rich Shepard rshepard at
Wed Feb 8 11:44:08 EST 2017

On Wed, 8 Feb 2017, Geert Janssens wrote:

> In gnucash checks are not linked to payments at all. The "Print Check"
> button on the payment dialog is just a convenience to open the check
> printing dialog with all the payment information filled in based on the
> payment you are entering in the process payment dialog.


   My A/P is messed up. I need to re-read this section in the help and guide
and see where I went wrong.

   For one thing, in the Chart of Accounts under 2000 Liabilities/2100
Current Liabilities is 2110 Accounts Payable. It shows $0.00 balance and
incorrect total from the invoices (bills) I tried entering yesterday, and it
has an unnumbered sub-account called Accounts Payable with an incorrect
balance and total equal to that of the 2110 Accounts Payable account. I
don't understand where the sub-account originated nor where it found the
number it did. Perhaps reading the manuals will help me.

> If gnucash indicates the invoices are paid that means a payment was
> applied in some way. The only ways I know you could get in that state are:
> 1. you have entered a payment for this invoice directly via the process
> payment option.

   Not that I explicitly did. I entered the amount owed and posted it.

> 2. You have added a pre-payment for this vendor and this pre-payment got
> applied to your invoice(s). This can be done manually, but it can also
> happen when you have the "Automatically apply payments on posting" option
> set under Edit->Preferences->Business.

   Not deliberately.

> 3. You have an outstanding credit note for this vendor, which got offset
> (due to the auto-apply feature in point 2) when you posted your
> invoice/creditnote (which ever one you did last).

   As I added the vendors and their current invoices only yesterday this
would not have happened.

> You can find an overview of bills and payments in your Vendor report or on
> the invoice report for each paid invoice.

   I've just tried to find this information. Under Reports->Business is
Payable Aging (which should have no entries because I added invoices
yesterday for the first time.) But, it does have incorrect entries.

   Under Business->Vendor I've tried Vendor Overview and Find Vendor but
cannot obtain a list of open or closed invoices for each or any.

   If there's a way for me to remove all A/P data for the three vendors added
yesterday please show me how to do this and I'll correctly re-enter the four
invoices for the three, after reading the manuals.



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