Odd Register Problem

Fross, Michael michael at fross.org
Sat Jan 14 09:42:17 EST 2017

Thanks all.  For the benefits of others, in Quicken I had a scheduled
transaction with placeholders for pay I receive for vacations and
holidays.  They are normally blank.  When they were imported into GNUCash,
they came in as splits, but with no dollars assigned.

Deleting these "empty" splits fixed my issue.

Thanks all for the help and pointing me toward the correct terminology.


On Sat, Jan 14, 2017 at 2:50 AM, Fred Bone <Fred.Bone at dial.pipex.com> wrote:

> On 13 January 2017 at 21:16, Fross, Michael said:
> [...]
> > In looking at my Income:Salary account where my paychecks go.  These
> > transactions have many splits for insurance, taxes, etc.  I noticed that
> > there are about 10 transactions early in the account that were imported
> > from quicken that take up three lines in the register.  The math is
> > correct as the "income" column is only populated on the first one.  The
> > splits are all identical for each one.  The math is all correct.
> >
> > Looking at the Basic and Auto-Split views shows this.  Looking at the
> > Transaction Journal view shows just the one transaction.
> [...]
> > I assume there was an issue during import, but I have no idea how to fix
> > it.  I've attached a screenshot but not sure how helpful it will be.  The
> > 1st is the basic register view.  The second is the transaction journal
> > view that shows there is only one listed for 11/06/2016.
> [...]
> This is expected behaviour. You are apparently viewing the
> Income:Expenses:Michael register, which (as you can see in the journal
> view) has three splits in this txn, one with a value and two empty. If
> you take a closer look at the register view you will see that the splits
> are not identical - two of the displayed splits are, indeed, empty.
> If you want to remove the empty splits you will need to delete the
> *splits* not the *txn*. You can readily do this in journal (or
> auto-split) view.

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