Have any Online Accounting Software companies closed?
Mike or Penny Novack
mpnovack at mtdata.com
Mon Jan 16 11:07:23 EST 2017
On 1/16/2017 4:18 AM, Fred Bone wrote:
> Perhaps you could ask your acountant for a written guarantee that
> KashFlow will not fold ...
Yes, that is a problem. But that recommendation by the accountant
shows that he or she is not naive about the "safe" issues.
Look, this "argument" over making gnucash "safe" is really a
misunderstanding based on people using two very different meanings for
the word "safe" and the reasons why some of us are using one meaning and
others of us another. Let me describe two different meanings, and for
that purpose will change the word "safe" into two words, "safe1" and
"Safe1" means safe in the environment where users of the software cannot
run arbitrary software on their system. And when I say "cannot" I don't
mean just in terms of their own ability to create but to enable somebody
else to do this on their behalf.
"Safe2" means safe even in the environment where the user of the
software does have full rights and powers over the computer, and if
their own abilities did not suffice, they could allow somebody else to
do the hard stuff for them.
Those of you who want something put into gnucash to make it "safe" (from
alteration) are using the "safe1" meaning for "safe". Those of us who
are saying "it can't be done" are choosing the "safe2" meaning.
Consider back in they days when I was working (for one of the world's
largest "financials"). The USERS, the people whose job it was to utilize
these applications in the course of their responsibilities did NOT have
access to the programs. They could NOT get a new program installed let
alone cause it to run if they had. So the system was safe from their
fiddling. But I was a person who could create software, cause it to be
installed (I am being cagey here -- not directly, and though I had "sign
off" rights for use in an emergency, would never have signed off on any
change I was making myself) and cause a production job to run (that is,
a job with "production rights") but again I must be cagey about how. So
while I was not a user, I COULD have changed data << and in fact, make
it look as if one of the regular users had done it through the system*
>> In other words, the data "safe1" from them but not "safe2" from me.
OK, now why would the developers of gnucash understand "safe" by its
"safe2" definition. Because this is the environment of "open software"
where it us assumed that the users of the software control what runs on
their computers. For example, I assume that at least some of the gnucash
developers are also users of gnucash. What would it mean, what would
gnucash need, to make it "safe" from a user like that? That's why the
situation is no different when version control utilities like git are
proposed. Do you imagine that git came from the gods? That people didn't
write it, and if a person with the necessary skills had full access to a
computer where git is maintaining an audit trail of changes could not
substitute their own git2 which behaved the way they wanted << BTW,
version control systems like git are intended to prevent accidental
screw ups over versions; not trying to prevent mischief by those running
the system >>
The point I am stressing is the world of "open source" assumes that the
environment is one where the users of the software might be in full
control of their machines. The developers COULD put in any of a number
of things that have been asked for (password protection, prevention of
changes, etc.) but their statement that this made things "safe" would
need to be qualified by a statement "by which we mean "safe1" and NOT
"safe2" because it ISN'T SAFE in that sense. Sorry, but I can't see that
would make any accountant happy, pricking their bubble about software in
Back to where this started, discussing "KashFlow" --- do you not see
that whatever other problems with KashFlow, it brings into play the
"safe1`" definition of "safe". And with the asked for features added,
gnucash itself would be safe WHEN USED THIS WAY (in an environment out
of the control of the user). So these asked for features would not be
useless BUT whether they made things "safe" would depend on OTHER
factors. To give you an example, imagine a smallish (but not really
small) business that employs a bookkeeper. The bookkeeper could have
"permissions" to log into the computer system as an ordinary user with
no "permissions" to install or even to run software unless authorized to
his or her log in << even Windows users; remember the question you had
to answer when installing new software "can any user on the system run
this?" >> But see, it wasn't the software feature itself that made
things "safe"but the features in the context of the ENVIRONMENT. However
I am skeptical of users being able to understand "this feature makes
things "safe" but ONLY in the context of specific environments".
Michael D Novack
* That is one of the things I did on a rather frequent basis, part of my
job. Let's say that because of a bug, some 20,000 records on the
database needed to be corrected. The bug has been fixed, but 20,000
insurance policies need somebody to fix them. That could be done with
user X sitting at their terminal and using the system enter one
correction transaction at time. Let's see, supposing they could manage
500 per working day, that would take this poor person 40 working days or
two months. Instead I could be asked to write a "sproj" that would
create a transaction looking just as if it had come out of the on-line
system with user X's ID in the "by whom" slot and we could bring all
20,000 of them in a single night. Perfectly proper audit trail. Of
course my time got charged at a much higher rate per hour than this
user's time. But I could do this, write that "special program" in less
than a day. That's because I had done it before, had a skeleton around
from the last time this particular "fix" transaction had to be used this
way, so all that would be changing is what fields are being fixed, the
data going into them, and whose user ID to use. I had skeleton programs
in my private library for all of the various fix transactions << getting
my private library ordered and everything given descriptions of what
good for in an index is how I spent the last few weeks of my official
career >>
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