Importing accounts/data as CSV

Rich Shepard rshepard at
Mon Jan 23 11:44:06 EST 2017

On Mon, 23 Jan 2017, Geert Janssens wrote:

> That is solely for historical reasons. The csv importer was written first
> and has had this limitation from the beginning. Later someone contributed
> an export to csv option which can write multi-split transactions (meaning
> more than 2 splits) to a csv file.


   Ok, this makes sense. However, ...

> In gnucash 2.8, this will change. The csv importer has been rewritten and
> one of the new capabilities is it will now be able to handle multi-split
> transactions.

   Why so far out? I don't know the times when the importer and exporter were
written, but I suspect that transactions with more than two splits are found
in more transactions than mortgage payments.

   Can't the new importer be back-ported to the current 2.6 series?
Obviously, I've not looked at gnucash source code, but it seems to be a
useful tool for folks migrating from non-QIF/OXF bookkeeping software.

Thanks for explaining,


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