Account report error for transactions the last 30 days

Tom B tblackley at
Sun Oct 22 20:59:35 EDT 2017

I am using both menu > edit > find or ctrl+f as it looks to be the same?

I don't see where the transaction report allows me to filter transactions by
description. Am I must missing it?

I have not setup vendor accounts.

I am simply running a find based on the vendor (shop name) and selecting
account report on the search results register.

In this particular case the search filter criteria -
description contains (Vendor name)

then run menu > reports > account report

Only the last few transactions are related to the issue.   I observe the
balancing increasing for expenses until the last few transactions. 
Typically these suspect transaction are within the last 30 days.

Consider running a report with your local gas (petrol) station as the
description and your expense account for gas, perhaps it will show the issue
(or not).


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