[GNC] Addition of Mailing List Subject Prefix

William Bixby wbixby at usa.net
Tue Apr 10 17:29:14 EDT 2018

I like the GNC prefix.

I have 20 mail lists that I subscribe to.
17 use the subject prefix which results in precise filtering to my 
folders at my ISP level (I don't need to filter locally, so I can access 
the emails in the proper folders no matter which platform and therefore 
email client I use, Linux, Windows, phone, tablet, etc.).

I try to filter the 3 lists without subject prefixes using the available 
sender, to, and CC options my ISP provides (list ID is not included, 
subject is available for the good lists that use a subject prefix).  But 
within each list the emails have the list name/address in various 
positions, it is not consistent.  Sometimes my ISP doesn't match the 
filters and then tags the email as junk.
But in the majority of my mail lists that DO use the subject prefix I 
have never had emails flagged as junk.  The filtering to folders is more 

I'm surprised at the objections, as my experience is that mail lists 
adding the list ID in the subject is the 'norm' and very common.  The 
few, like gnucash was, that don't are the outlier.

It may not be a 'standard' requirement for mail lists, but when almost 
all do it it becomes a 'defacto' standard and should be followed.

On 04/10/2018 04:48 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Tue, 10 Apr 2018, listreader wrote:
>> Your tally probably doesn't mean what you think it means. In my
>> experience, far more people are likely to complain about 'changes' they
>> don't like than are people who approve or are neutral about the same
>> 'changes'. Like on a ratio of 10 to 1 or greater.
>    Please add my vote to the neutral category. I subscribe to about a dozen
> mail lists, most use a list-related prefix in brackets; a couple don't.
> Because incoming messages are sorted into list-specific files the only time
> the prepended tags matter is when multiple lists cover the same topic.
>    GnuCash is the only bookkeeping application I use so a prepended tag 
> makes
> no difference to me. But, for those who don't automatically sort incoming
> messages it could well be helpful.
>    If having it present does no harm there's no reason to remove it, in my
> opinion. If you're reading e-mail on a phone, watch, or other small device
> and cannot see the entire subject line you probably have the ability to
> scroll horizontally as well as vertically.
> Rich
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Bill Bixby
Laconia NH

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