[GNC] Addition of Mailing List Subject Prefix

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Tue Apr 10 17:53:46 EDT 2018

On Tue, 10 Apr 2018, Dale Alspach wrote:

> Question for those who want the [GNC] prefix: Would having the email from
> be from the list (gnucash-user at gnucash.org) instead of the user (original
> sender) serve as well?


   Doesn't matter to me, in most cases. When I reply to a message that has
both the sender's address and the list alpine puts the sender's address on
the To: line and the list address on the Cc: line. Before sending I delete
the former and move the latter up.

   There are times when a response to the individual rather than the list is
appropriate. This is when the response is off the thread and is either off
the mail list topic or is of a personal nature. Having both addresses
availalbe accommodates all situations.

> This would also help with the "remember to reply to the list" issue.
> Reply, Reply-all, Reply-list would include the list address. I believe the
> mailing list software would still put the original sender address in the
> headers so that an off-list reply would be possible.

   When I respond to a message, such as this one, alpine asks me if I want to
respond to all. My fingers default to 'yes.' Often, both the sender and the
list are on the header and I adjust as desired, usually removing the
sender's address as they get a copy from the list in any case.

   All mail lists prefer threads to remain on the list so that future readers
can see the entire thread.

   I admit to not seeing where having [GNC] as a subject line prefix is
harmful to any list subscriber; perhaps that's because it is not an issue
for me either way.



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