[GNC] GC 3.2 Import Price File CSV

Deva - pobox.deva at outlook.in
Wed Aug 22 08:54:19 EDT 2018

I think what Sebastien meant was that there appears to be a leading space in your stock definition in gnucash, not in your CSV file. At least, it appears that way from the screenshots you sent out. Of course, as he noted, it may just be a visual effect…


On 21-Aug-2018, at 9:30 PM, gnucash-user-request at gnucash.org<mailto:gnucash-user-request at gnucash.org> wrote:

Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2018 01:28:54 -0500 (CDT)
From: Megagrumpy <megagrumpy at hotmail.com<mailto:megagrumpy at hotmail.com>>
To: gnucash-user at gnucash.org<mailto:gnucash-user at gnucash.org>
Subject: Re: [GNC] GC 3.2 Import Price File CSV
Message-ID: <1534832934531-0.post at n4.nabble.com<mailto:1534832934531-0.post at n4.nabble.com>>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

I have checked the CSV file and there are no spaces. I tried initially to
import a number of shares and none or them were recognised by the import
tool. It must be a fault in my security definitions I think. When F::Q was
working it would import the prices from Alphavantage so it was happy with
the security definition but maybe the CSV import tool is looking for a
specific structure in the database. I have defined all my shares in a
subcategory "LSE" and I cannot remember if this was a Gnucash structure or
one I made myself. See Screen shot:


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