[GNC] GC 3.2 Import Price File CSV

Megagrumpy megagrumpy at hotmail.com
Fri Aug 24 02:48:52 EDT 2018

There are no spaces in the stock definition. Also in answer to your question
about the date format. I have tried all the date formats and I never get a
failure to read the date correctly. When I import data in quicken format
from my bank it tends to be in M-D-Y format for some reason. 

I have also followed your advice and generated a completely new GC file with
only one stock in it. I have put in ABF under Eurex as the default format
only shows Amex, Eurex, Nasdaq and NYSE as options for the "Type" of stock.
(My stocks are all LSE so I had added LSE as an additional type in my
definitions and thought that maybe that was causing the problem). I get
exactly the same problem with the message "Commodity From could not be
understood. Value can't be parsed into valid commodity."

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