[GNC] Problem after upgrade from 2.6.14 to 3.x, bookings of an account are cut off

Paneologist pane at sociali.sm
Mon Feb 11 09:13:52 EST 2019

does anyone have suggestions how to trace the fault further?
even if I launch gnucash with "gnucash --log "=debug" --log
"gnc.backend.dbi=debug" --log "qof=debug" --log "gnc=debug", I do not get
anything on STDOUT or STDERR..
but first of all the problem:
in the account/bookings view gnucash shows me only entries until a specific
date. all newer and newly created bookings are not being shown.
But there are bookings in the MySQL (respecitvely MariaDB) databases. I see
there all corresponding transactions and splits.
the corresponding bookings in the other accounts are shown.

I migrated to 3.x by exporting the book into xml, but in this file(s) the
contents are already missing.

I have a backup of the database (which worked fine until gnucash 2.6.14. But
if I open that database using gnucash 3.3 or 3.4 those data are not shown.

Version: 3.4
Build ID: 3.4+ (2018-12-30)
Finance::Quote: 1.47

using the command-line option --debug doesn't show any database related
information or exceptions.

Thank you

Paul Neuwirth

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