[GNC] Problems with Budget

Adrien Monteleone adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Wed Jan 23 07:50:44 EST 2019


You copied the list which is the important part. While you included me, I only get the list copy. (that used to not happen, I think a mailman bug or setting was fixed) On that note, please *DO NOT* e-mail me only (and not the list) concerning GnuCash questions unless invited to do so. The wiki covers this etiquette question. Certainly, not getting a prompt reply is no cause for such action, and it isn’t likely to get you a faster response. Everyone is a volunteer here. I’m just a user like you that occasionally helps others on the list where I can. I’m not part of the development team—and they’d prefer you use the list.

To your question, check your settings for the budget. I’ve encountered something similar in the recent past (and posted a thread about it) and it took me some time to track it down. It hinged on the setting for ’same week and day’.

It caused me to see results which didn’t seem to take into account transactions posted in a particular period because they weren’t directly comparable across periods of different lengths. (the setting ’normalizes’ period lengths so you aren’t comparing a 28 day month to a 31 day month) If you have this enabled, uncheck it and see if this resolves your dilemma. Otherwise, I can’t say I have a solution for you.


> On Jan 23, 2019, at 5:20 AM, Peter Jackson <jackson at fastmail.net> wrote:
> Dear Adrien, 
> Please forgive me for sending this direct to you, but I've had no reply from my posting on the 20th, which read:
> I have just noticed that the budget total figures are no longer correct.
> Thus for example, in Expenses Budget , the displayed  Monthly total at the top of the column for each month does not equal the sum of the individual account budgets.
> This imbalance then reflects across all budget reports.
> I am pretty certain that this is a new issue, as I tend to balance regularly with a spreadsheet.
> Any suggestions
> Thanks 
> Peter
> Tel: 01568 750 248 Mob: 07955 586 476

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