[GNC] lost data

John Sears johndsears at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 24 21:39:49 EST 2019

Hi David,

Ill check some of these out, but I have done a fairly extensive search 
on my laptop already.. so fear the worst

I think your description of what has happened is spot on...  the trouble 
is that in the meantime I think I have done a lot off "cleaning up", and 
I am sort of dreadign that I have assigned it to the rubbish bin, and 
its already been overwritten on file  ( my hard disk is now in read only 
status, but I fear I may have spotted it too late)

Thanks a lot!


On 25/1/19 10:21 AM, David Cousens wrote:
> John,
> If Adrien's suggestions don't work the following site has techniques for finding files on windows
> https://edu.gcfglobal.org/en/windowsbasics/finding-files-on-your-computer/1/
> and for Linux https://www.linode.com/docs/tools-reference/tools/find-files-in-linux-using-the-command-line/.
> Looking for files with .gnucash extensions starting with your home directory and then expanding the search is your best
> bet. ($find <path> -name "*.gnucash" will find all occurrences in the directory pointed to by path in Linux).
> A common problem which occurs sometimes is having opened a backup file (which is located in the same directory as your
> main file) and then subsequently opening the main file again. Your missing transactions could be in a backup file. See
> https://www.gnucash.org/docs/v3/C/gnucash-guide/basics-backup1.html.
> David Cousens
> On Fri, 2019-01-25 at 08:38 +0800, John Sears via gnucash-user wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> A few months ago,  I moved the location of my GNUcash file (along with
>> the addressing of the associated linked files - you may remember a post
>> about this).  I have been living a fairly hectic life since,  moving
>> country, massively downsizing  etc, and a fairly annoying pc problem.  I
>> am sure that I did a lot of work on  GNU Cash  in Q4, but noticed the
>> other day that all of these transactions were missing and that my
>> GNUCash was pointing at an old GNUCash file.  I've looked everywhere on
>> my computer and USBs for the file that I think might contain the
>> transactions that I am sure I put in  ( It was a lot of work, so I don't
>> want to just retype them again), but I just cannot find the file.
>> I notice that GNUCash highlights the  last 4 files that have been opened
>> ( under the file tab) .  Is there a way to see all the files that have
>> been opened historically and their location in the file directory.  I
>> just cannot find the correct file or any logs for the data that I
>> entered in Q4, and at least if I know the possible paths, I might be
>> able to ascertain if the data has somehow managed to be deleted from
>> that location, and then determine my way forward
>> Thanks!
>> john
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