[GNC] Column Detection when Importing Transactions from CSV

Patrick plafratt at gmail.com
Wed Jul 10 10:15:23 EDT 2019

Sorry, I just saw this response. (I had unsubsribed to try to reduce
flow into inbox, and I just saw it when I was going back through the
archives. I will turn digest back on.)

Thank you for this additional helpful information.


On 6/26/19 12:31 PM, Patrick wrote:
>* When importing transactions from a CSV file, is there a way to have GnuCash
*>* automatically detect the meaning of the columns based on the CSV headers?
*>* The headers in my CSV file are "Date", "Description", "Account", etc., so I
*>* was wondering if GnuCash had the ability to determine what the columns were
*>* from these headers, so that I don't have to select them from the dropdown
*>* menus every time I do an import.
*>>* Regards,
*>* Patrick

The screen where you pick these has a field at the very top where you
can name this setup and then save it.

You will have to select this name on the next import but it will remember:

* The field assignments

* The account into which you are doing the import

* The date format

* How many lines to skip

It was a big help when I discovered that!


Stephen M Butler, PMP, PSMStephen.M.Butler51 at gmail.com
<https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-user>kg7je at
arrl.net <https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-user>
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