[GNC] could not obtain lock on file maybe in use some where else

Adrien Monteleone adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Mon Sep 9 21:06:13 EDT 2019

Delete the .lck files in the directory you are storing your books.

(presuming you know for a *fact*, that the data files aren’t already open in GnuCash but you just don’t see the window)

You should then be able to then open any data file.

You could also choose ‘Open-Anyway’ with the same result.

There might be several causes, but other than the most obvious (that the file really is already opened) is that the app crashed last time you were accessing that file and the .lck file was not removed due to the ‘ungraceful’ shutdown of GnuCash.

I don’t think a permissions issue would cause this, but I could be mistaken. Make sure you have full permissions on the folder you are storing the files.


> On Sep 9, 2019 w37d252, at 7:45 PM, Bob Hammons <rdhammons at live.com> wrote:
> I have a windows 10 laptop.   Today I got this message when I opened my file.
> I have 3 different files on this computer and they all say the same thing.   It will not allow any  backups so anything I did today is gone.
> I tried older files and the same thing happened.
> I tried my backups that were on a thumb drive.  They seemed to work from thumb drive.  I then copied them to a new directory on the computer and I got same message and no backups.
> I updated to 3.7 with the same results.
> My windows has been updating a couple time a week.  Could this be a windows problem?
> Thanks for any help!

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