[GNC] Top-Level Account:Expenses not totaling in Budget

Adrien Monteleone adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Mon Jul 6 21:40:37 EDT 2020

You are welcome.

If that example of ‘Medical’ is showing zero (without an explicit ‘0.00’ entered by you) and any of the child accounts of ‘visits, meds, and tests’have amounts, then you have found a bug. (though why for some accounts and not others is to be determined.) It *should* roll up those child accounts to give you a total Medical budget. (again, as long as you haven’t entered ‘0.00’ into the Medical parent budget. To be sure, you can select it and hit `delete`)

When you have some time, report back here and we can work on it.


> On Jul 6, 2020 w28d188, at 8:34 PM, Lorrie Laskey <lrlaskey at gmail.com> wrote:
> Adrian,
> Thank you very much. Without your help, I would have never found the
> auto-fill feature. And now the Expenses are showing a cumulative total.
> Both were big issues. I was ready to find another program.
> Some child-level accounts are still showing zero values because their
> sub-accounts have no values. For example, Medical has no entries for
> doctor's visits, meds, and tests, but I can live with seeing zero.
> Now I can move on to finishing my budget. You are a life saver. Thanks.
> Lorrie

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