[GNC] Regarding Unposting Paid Invoices
Adrien Monteleone
adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Mon Jul 20 16:51:35 EDT 2020
GnuCash tries to re-apply the payments if it can.
If you unpost too much at once before re-posting, you might have to
re-apply them manually.
Simply go to the payment entry in your source account (not AR/AP) and
right click the transaction, then choose 'Edit/Apply payment'. (wording
will depend on the 'state' of the payment) In the Process Payment
dialog, select the bill/invoice and the appropriate prepayments *only*
for that invoice/bill as they were originally posted.
Repeat for each bill/invoice/payment as needed.
Don't try to do them in one go, or GnuCash may apply them in odd ways
rather than what happened in the real world and you'll regret it later
when you are trying to research something or solve a problem. (but that
presumably *would* mark them all paid again, just not link the correct
payments to the correct bills/invoices.)
On 7/20/20 2:43 PM, Jon Griffith wrote:
> As this is a known issue, I'm wondering about the process.
> I had to unpost some bills to re-categorize some of the transactions and I
> had forgotten that the bills were already paid. As a result, now they're
> unpaid, but there are pre-payments recorded.
> Question:
> 1. Are those prepayments accounted for anywhere in the chart of accounts?
> Like a Vendor Deposits account? I noticed that the A/P still reflects
> zero, and that these payments need to be manually removed.
> 2. If I use the Process Payment feature in the Business area, what happens
> if I select ALL of the matching pre-payments --> bills in one go? Should I
> do them one at a time?
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